Monday, December 28, 2009

The Beginning....

After being a long time reader of various types of blogs I have finally decided to throw my hat into the mix and take a shot across the bow of the Sports Nation and see what happens. I figured this would be an excellent way to air out my frustrations on all things sports or life in general. I will also give out a lot of praise to those I deem worthy. If you agree with my opinions great! If you do not well I frankly don't care unless you are a person whose opinion I respect.

Before we go on any further I figured I might as well inform you of which teams I follow and root for just to get that out in the open. First and foremost are my beloved New York Yankees. Yes lets let the Yankee haters bombard me with the typical insults and comments. There isn't one I have not already heard so you won't hurt my feelings in any way. Next up would be the New York Football Giants. Now you may think I am just another douche bag, loud mouth, Guido from the northeast but just hold on a second. Next up are the Dallas Mavericks led by their loud, foul mouthed, whiny, arrogant owner who at the same time is an extremely intelligent, dedicated, forward thinking business man and sports fan. As for college I follow the University of Texas Longhorns. Yeah bring it again with the comments about rooting for a "winner" but I became a fan during the Chris Simms era (see Giants fan above) and as a friend of mine says "You must be the ONLY Longhorn fan who became a fan during the Chris Simms era." so it's not like I was rooting for them while they were winning that much.

Now I will not be one of those fans who put up blinders and see nothing wrong with their respective teams. I can make fun of each of those teams without hesitation. Whether it's an A-Roid comment, Johnny Damon's girly throwing motion, Osi Umeniorya's inappropriate bedroom behavior, Eli's mouth breathing and dumbass look on his face, Dirk's drunk antics with Nash, J-Howard's pot addiction, the love fest between Colt McCoy and Jordan Shipley and even how UT's players have a tendency to utilize the Austin jail cells as their second home. I find it all amusing and highly entertaining.

Now that was a quick introduction to me and who I am. This is probably going to be one of the longest posts because I know we are all busy people with other things to do and I have a severe case of ADD and unless I am on a topic that really grinds my gears I will get my point across as quickly as possible. Now everyone get back to work or Deadspin or With Leather or Durden or CNN or Twitter or Facebook or whatever site you normally waste your day on and check back here later on. I am sure I will have something that will make you laugh or question my sanity.

In the mean time, check out how Mike Leach learned to not mess with the World Wide Leader:

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